Bronze Plaques Prices

Prices shown are for one plaque with a standard edge, finish, letter style, texture and color. Additional packaging and shipping charges will apply. For a quotation on all non-standard bronze plaques, call us at 1-800-270-3343; or email your artwork along with name and telephone number to

See pricing notes for metal plaque options below.

Bronze Plaque Pricing Table

2" 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 140 146 151 159 171 326 326 466 466
3" 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 123 132 144 231 251 251 270 296 326 326 466 466
4" 102 102 102 102 102 126 136 138 154 179 238 251 251 270 296 326 326 466 471
5" 102 102 102 116 132 138 154 162 188 229 304 357 357 357 357 474 529 536 536
6" 102 102 102 132 138 179 179 212 229 252 304 357 357 357 383 474 529 536 536
7" 102 102 126 138 179 232 232 234 276 304 383 413 413 472 507 529 529 540 581
8" 102 102 136 154 179 232 252 252 276 304 383 413 413 472 507 529 529 616 653
9" 102 123 138 162 212 234 252 277 309 333 427 449 466 503 530 579 581 693 746
10" 102 132 154 188 229 276 276 309 309 357 427 449 466 503 530 579 637 770 791
12" 102 144 179 229 252 304 304 333 357 441 484 507 569 571 637 695 758 922 950
14" 126 215 222 283 283 357 357 427 427 484 518 594 594 668 740 886 886 1076 1161
15" 131 234 234 333 333 413 413 449 449 507 594 645 674 711 843 977 1013 1154 1242
16" 136 234 234 333 333 413 413 466 466 569 594 674 674 756 843 1013 1013 1231 1326
18" 144 252 252 333 333 472 472 503 503 571 668 711 756 852 950 1136 1136 1329 1329
20" 154 276 276 333 357 507 507 530 530 637 740 843 843 950 1054 1264 1264 1540 1578
22" 304 304 304 474 474 529 529 579 579 695 886 977 1013 1136 1264 1433 1515 1694 1824
24" 304 304 304 529 529 529 529 581 637 758 886 1013 1013 1136 1264 1515 1515 1846 1897
26" 466 466 466 536 536 540 616 693 770 922 1076 1154 1231 1329 1540 1694 1846 2025 2180
28" 466 466 471 536 536 581 653 746 791 950 1161 1242 1326 1329 1578 1824 1897 2180 2348
30" 466 466 471 536 536 623 653 791 791 950 1242 1330 1421 1425 1578 1893 1897 2336 2352
32" 471 471 471 550 569 660 758 852 948 1136 1326 1421 1515 1705 1893 2084 2272 2346 2684
34" 550 550 550 550 590 705 776 907 1006 1136 1410 1508 1609 1705 1893 2214 2272 2353 2850
36" 550 550 550 550 590 746 776 957 1064 1136 1491 1598 1705 1705 1893 2272 2272 2802 2854
38" 565 565 565 565 675 787 899 1013 1125 1351 1573 1687 1800 2025 2248 2407 2698 2958 2964
40" 594 594 594 594 711 828 948 1064 1183 1421 1656 1775 1893 2130 2366 2605 2841 2971 2983


Bronze Plaque Pricing Table Continued

2" 466 471 550 550 565 594 621 653 682 711 722 799 841 898 938 1000 1033 1066
3" 466 471 550 550 565 594 621 653 682 711 736 816 847 922 968 1018 1049 1082
4" 471 471 550 550 565 594 621 653 682 711 816 849 868 932 1004 1029 1061 1096
5" 536 550 550 550 565 594 621 653 682 711 845 861 874 984 1024 1064 1097 1131
6" 536 569 590 590 675 711 746 782 816 852 899 934 971 1007 1043 1078 1114 1149
7" 623 660 705 746 787 828 870 910 954 995 1049 1090 1132 1175 1217 1258 1293 1335
8" 653 758 776 776 899 948 995 1043 1089 1136 1199 1246 1294 1342 1391 1439 1478 1526
9" 791 852 907 957 1013 1064 1118 1172 1224 1278 1347 1402 1455 1510 1563 1618 1662 1716
10" 791 948 1006 1064 1125 1183 1242 1300 1362 1420 1498 1557 1618 1677 1736 1799 1848 1907
12" 950 1136 1136 1136 1351 1421 1491 1562 1633 1703 1799 1869 1940 2014 2085 2155 2218 2288
14" 1242 1326 1410 1491 1573 1656 1740 1822 1905 1987 2096 2180 2265 2348 2431 2516 2586 2669
15" 1330 1421 1508 1598 1687 1775 1863 1952 2041 2130 2247 2336 2425 2516 2606 2695 2770 2860
16" 1421 1515 1609 1705 1800 1893 1987 2082 2177 2271 2396 2492 2587 2684 2779 2876 2955 3051
18" 1425 1705 1705 1705 2025 2130 2236 2343 2449 2556 2695 2802 2910 3018 3126 3233 3234 3431
20" 1578 1893 1893 1893 2248 2366 2483 2602 2721 2839 2995 3114 3233 3354 3473 3594 3694 3813
22" 1893 2084 2214 2272 2407 2605 2733 2862 2993 3123 3293 3425 3557 3688 3820 3954 4064 4194
24" 1897 2272 2272 2272 2698 2841 2980 3123 3264 3406 3594 3737 3880 4024 4169 4310 4433 4575
26" 2336 2346 2353 2802 2958 2971 3269 3425 3581 3737 3892 4048 4203 4358 4514 4671 4802 4957
28" 2352 2684 2850 2854 2964 2983 3522 3688 3857 4024 4192 4358 4528 4730 4862 5031 5171 5338
30" 2353 2877 2877 2878 3345 3380 3773 3954 4131 4310 4491 4671 4851 5031 5209 5390 5541 5719
32" 2876 3065 3258 3449 3640 3833 4024 4217 4407 4599 4790 4982 5173 5365 5557 5749 5910 6100
34" 2877 3258 3462 3524 3868 4072 4276 4480 4683 4857 5090 5294 5498 5701 5905 6108 6279 6482
36" 2878 3449 3524 3567 4095 4288 4304 4743 4805 4886 5390 5605 5820 6036 6251 6467 6648 6862
38" 3345 3640 3868 4095 4324 4550 4778 5005 5235 5462 5688 5916 6144 6372 6598 6826 7017 7244
40" 3880 3833 4072 4288 4550 4790 5031 5269 5509 5749 5988 6227 6467 6705 6947 7186 7387 7625



Custom Shapes
Custom Size
1st Flat Relief, Emblem or Logo
1,200 Letters or Less
1st Proof of Artwork
8-10 Day Production


$45 Custom Border
$70 For Each Additional Color
$70 Per Custom Color
$20 Per Rosette
$35 Per Full Size Plot Drawing
+40% Polished Face
+20% Polished Bevel Edge
+15% Oxidized Finish
+30% Patina Finish
Bas Reliefs, Etched & Photo Inserts
Pole & Stake Mounts


Prices shown are for one plaque. For special sizes not shown, use next largest plaque price. i.e. 11" x 12" plaque would be priced as a 12" x 12".

Odd shape plaques are priced as such.

Bronze plaque odd shapes